Please enter your month and year of birth to confirm you are a smoker or user of nicotine or tobacco products over the age of 18.


Sorry! This website is intended only for users of nicotine or tobacco products who are over 18.

We Care

This website contains information about our products such as electronic cigarettes and liquids containing nicotine, and we need your age to make sure that you are an adult in Italy who would otherwise continue to smoke or use nicotine products. Our electronic cigarettes and liquids containing nicotine are not an alternative to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids. They are not risk free. Nicotine is highly addictive. Only for use by adults and not recommended for those who do not smoke. Please visit the “Important”page of this website for further risk information.

The nearest shop with new VEEV ONE pods flavours

Store locator to find the store closest to you where you can find the new VEEV ONE flavours*.

Go to the map

*Availability is not updated in real time.

  • Trova

    Enter your address in the map search bar

  • Cerca

    Select the nearest store

  • Verifica

    Check the availability* with the selected store

    *Availability is not updated in real time.

Tobacco shop
Tobacco shop 24h and/or vending machine
Don't you find a tobacco shop near to you? We are still updating the map. Come back to visit in a few days.

Would you recommend the nearest tobacconist's locator service to family, friends or colleagues who are adult smokers?

SMARTCORE STICKSTM will be available in tobacco shops throughout Italy starting from 13/12.

Since distribution will start as early as 5/12 to ensure product availability on 13/12.

You may find the product in some stores as early as 5/12.

This product is not risk free and provides nicotine, which is addictive. Only for use by adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products.